WALTER QUICK-STEP BLENDEX™ Disc Super Fine, 4-1/2"

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Surface conditioning discs

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    WALTER QUICK-STEP BLENDEX™ Disc Super Fine, 4-1/2"


    These discs are available in five different grits to take you from removing scratches to a last step before decorative or polishing finishes.

    • Non-woven construction will conform to the workpiece.
    • Produce a uniform brushed finish on metal surfaces
    • Use with Walter QUICK STEP backing pads

    These discs are available in five different grits to take you from removing scratches to a last step before decorative or polishing finishes.

    • Non-woven construction will conform to the workpiece.
    • Produce a uniform brushed finish on metal surfaces
    • Use with Walter QUICK STEP backing pads